Master in Agricultural Engineering

(90 ECTS credits – 1.5 years)
The Master in Agricultural Engineering is oriented towards training engineer with high-level skills, capable of weaving themselves into the fabric of an agri-food sector that is modern, productive, sustainable and environmentally-friendly.
This Master Degree confers its holder specific professional responsibilities regulated by law, which are similar to those of a traditional Agricultural Engineer.
An Agricultural Engineer is a professional of high value for any modern agribusiness. Owing to their solid interdisciplinary university training, Agricultural Engineers contribute to the company’s activities the necessary knowledge and techniques and create profitable work methods of the highest quality, so that it can compete in the current productive globalized economy.
The Master in Agricultural Engineering corresponds to level 3 of the Spanish Qualifications Framework for Higher Education (MECES) and to level 7 of the European Qualifications Framework (EQF). It consists of 90 European credits (ECTS) split into 1.5 academic years, with a total of 3 semesters, each of them including a workload of 30 credits.
The training is divided into the following subject types:
- Compulsory subjects (72 ECTS)
- Internship (6 ECTS)
- Master thesis (12 ECTS)
All of the subjects are semester-long and are grouped into the following modules:
- Module 1: Technology and planning of the rural environment (27 ECTS)
- Module 2: Technology in crop and livestock production (24 ECTS)
- Module 3: Technology in agri-food industries (10.5 ECTS)
- Module 4: Management and organisation of agri-food companies (10.5 ECTS)
- Module 5: Internship (6 ECTS)
- Module 6: Master's Dissertation (12 ECTS)