EF Program: English-Friendly Subjects in the EPS

The approach of the “English Friendly” (EF) subjects has as the main goal increasing internationalization at the Technological College (EPS):
• More appealing academic offer for foreign students.
• Possibility of improving the English level of the students.
With the exception of two optional English courses taught in that language (25269 - English for Environmental Science and 28955 - English for rural and agri-food engineering), the rest of the courses in the EPS are in Spanish. The EF program offers a selection of subjects from our degrees in which students (under request) will be provided with materials, tutorials and assessment tests in English; and since they are given in Spanish, their teaching will not change at all. This opens the door to those foreign students who do not feel comfortable (especially at the beginning) with their level of Spanish (at least B1 is recommended).
Specifically, the EF subjects will have:
• Program in English.
• Books and/or alternative material in English with which the subject can reasonably be followed.
• Possibility of office hours’ attention in English.
• Evaluation in English: statements of works and exams in English. Possibility of answering in English.
During the academic year 2024/25, the subjects offered in the EF modality are:
Degree in Environmental SciencesIn-detail information about each course is available at the following link (by clicking on the name of the course and then on Course Guide > Web version) | |||||
FIRST YEAR | |||||
25200 | Chemical foundations of the environment | 1º | 1º | 6 | Jorge Echeverría ( jorge.echeverria@unizar.es) |
25201 | Biology | 1º | 1º | 6 | Pilar Catalán (pcatalan@unizar.es), Luis A. Inda (lainda@unizar.es), |
25202 | Introductory geology for environmental science | 1º | 1º | 6 | Jesús Guerrero (jgiturbe@unizar.es) |
25023 | Basic mathematics for environmental studies | 1º | 1º | 6 | Carmen Godés (cgodes@unizar.es) Eva Tresaco (etresaco@unizar.es) |
25250 | Environmental science and sustainability | 1º | 1º | 6 | Jaume Tormo (jtormo@unizar.es) José Luis Hueso ( jlhueso@unizar.es) |
25206 | Physical foundations of the environment | 1º | 2º | 6 | Julia Marín (jmarinsaez@unizar.es) |
25208 | Soil science | 1º | 2º | 6 | David Badía (badia@unizar.es) Manuel López-Vicente (manuel.lopezv@posta.unizar.es) |
25252 | Zoology | 1º | 2º | 6 | Juan Barriuso (barriuso@unizar.es), Juan Herrero (herreroj@unizar.es) |
25211 | Ecology I | 2º | 1º | 6 | José Manuel Nicolau (nicolau@unizar.es), Juan Herrero (herreroj@unizar.es) |
25214 | Meteorology and climatology | 2º | 1º | 6 | Julia Marín (jmarinsaez@unizar.es) |
25215 | Ecology II | 2º | 2º | 6 | José Manuel Nicolau (nicolau@unizar.es), Rocío López (rocio.lopez@unizar.es) |
25218 | Soil degradation and pollution | 2º | 2º | 6 | David Badía (badia@unizar.es) Manuel López-Vicente (manuel.lopezv@posta.unizar.es) |
25219 | Atmospheric pollution | 2º | 2º | 6 | José Francisco Martínez (jfmarti@unizar.es)
THIRD YEAR | |||||
25224 | Water pollution | 3º | 1º | 6 | Nati Miguel (nmiguel@unizar.es) |
25256 | Toxicology and public health | 3º | 1º | 6 | Alberto J. Frutos Pérez-Surio (ajfrutos@unizar.es) |
25222 | Clean technologies, Renewable energies | 3º | 2º | 6 | Joan Manyá (joanjoma@unizar.es), Hugo Malón (hml@unizar.es) |
25225 | Management and conservation of flora and fauna | 3º | 2º | 6 | Ernesto Pérez (ernextop@unizar.es), Pilar Catalán (pcatalan@unizar.es) |
25226 | Waste management, treatment and recovery | 3º | 2º | 6 | José Luis Hueso (jlhueso@unizar.es) Sonia Ascaso (sascasom@unizar.es) |
25236 | Radioactive contamination, acoustic and vibration pollution (elective) | 3º | 2º | 6 | Hugo Malón (hml@unizar.es), Mariano Vidal (vidalcor@unizar.es) |
25245 | Soil and land evaluation (elective) | 3º | 2º | 6 | David Badía (badia@unizar.es) |
25262 | Environmental hydrology (elective) | 3º | 2º | 6 | María Videgain (mvidegain@unizar.es) |
25257 | Environmental management and audit | 4º | 1º | 6 | Nati Miguel (nmiguel@unizar.es), Rocío López (rocio.lopez@unizar.es) |
25258 | Protected Areas | 4º | 1º | 6 | Juan Herrero (herreroj@unizar.es), Raúl Lardiés (rlardies@unizar.es) Hugo Sáiz (hsaiz@unizar.es) |
25263 | Environmental and sustainable chemistry (elective) | 4º | 1º | 6 | Jesús del Barrio (jdb529@unizar.es) |
25268 | Aquatic ecosystems (elective) | 4º | 2º | 6 | Rocío López (rocio.lopez@unizar.es) |
25221 | Environmental Education (elective) | 4º | 2º | 6 | Juan Herrero (herreroj@unizar.es), Jaume Tormo (jtormo@unizar.es) |
25269 | English for Environmental Science (elective) "taught in English" | 4º | 2º | 6 | Carmen Laguarta (claguarta@unizar.es) |
Degree in Agri-Food and Rural Environmental EngineeringIn-detail information about each course is available at the following link (by clicking on the name of the course and then on Course Guide > Web version) | |||||
FIRST YEAR | |||||
28900 | Mathematics I | 1º | 1º | 6 | Carmen Godés (cgodes@unizar.es) Eva Tresaco (etresaco@unizar.es) |
28901 | Physics I | 1º | 1º | 6 | Ángel Sanz (angel_sf@unizar.es) |
28902 | Chemistry I | 1º | 1º | 6 | José Francisco Martínez (jfmarti@unizar.es) Jorge Echeverría ( jorge.echeverria@unizar.es) |
28905 | Mathematics II | 1º | 2º | 6 | Carmen Godés (cgodes@unizar.es) Eva Tresaco (etresaco@unizar.es) |
28906 | Physics II | 1º | 2º | 6 | Ángel Sanz (angel_sf@unizar.es) |
28907 | Chemistry II | 1º | 2º | 6 | Jesús del Barrio (jdb529@unizar.es) |
28909 | Biology | 1º | 2º | 6 | Pilar Catalán (pcatalan@unizar.es) Luis A. Inda (lainda@unizar.es), Rubén Sancho (rsancho@unizar.es) |
28910 | Statistics | 2º | 1º | 6 | Carmen Godés (cgodes@unizar.es) Eva Tresaco (etresaco@unizar.es) |
28913 | Engines and machines | 2º | 1º | 6 | Hugo Malón (hml@unizar.es), Mariano Vidal (vidalcor@unizar.es) |
28914 | Topography, cartography and photogrammetry | 2º | 1º | 6 | Alfredo Serreta (serreta@unizar.es), Antonio Garcés (ajgarces@unizar.es) |
28915 | Fundamentals of business administration | 2º | 2º | 6 | María Lourdes Gastearena ( mgastearena@unizar.es) |
28917 | Ecology and management of agro-industrial byproducts | 2º | 2º | 6 | Hugo Sáiz (hsaiz@unizar.es) José Luis Hueso (jlhueso@unizar.es) |
28918 | Strength of materials and structural analysis | 2º | 2º | 6 | Hugo Malón (hml@unizar.es), Mariano Vidal (vidalcor@unizar.es) |
28919 | Electrical engineering and rural electrification | 2º | 1º | 6 | María Videgain (mvidegain@unizar.es) |
THIRD YEAR | |||||
28920 | Biotechnology | 3º | 1º | 6 | Ester Sales (esalesc@unizar.es) |
28921 | Hydraulics | 3º | 1º | 6 | César González (cesargon@unizar.es) |
28937 | Unit operations II | 3º | 2º | 6 | Joan Manyá (joanjoma@unizar.es) |
28938 | Fundamentals of food technology | 3º | 2º | 6 | María Eugenia Venturini (ugeventu@unizar.es) |
28932 | Plant breeding in horticulture | 4º | 1º | 6 | Elena Floris (efloris@unizar.es) |
28933 | Protection of fruit and vegetable crops | 4º | 1º | 6 | Juan Barriuso (barriuso@unizar.es), Ester Sales (esalesc@unizar.es) |
28943 | Plant breeding | 4º | 1º | 6 | Elena Floris (efloris@unizar.es) |
28944 | Crop protection | 4º | 1º | 6 | Juan Barriuso (barriuso@unizar.es), Ester Sales (esalesc@unizar.es) |
28950 | Agri-food industry: design and optimisation | 4º | 1º | 6 | Joan Manyá (joanjoma@unizar.es) |
28955 | English for rural and agri-food engineering (elective) "taught in English" | 4º | 2º | 6 | José María Yebra (jyebra@unizar.es) |
28957 | Post-harvest technology (elective) | 4º | 2º | 6 | María Eugenia Venturini (ugeventu@unizar.es) |
28958 | Irrigation networks (elective) | 4º | 2º | 6 | Ricardo Aliod (raliod@unizar.es) |
28960 | Building installations (elective) | 4º | 2º | 5 | F. Javier García (fjgarcia@unizar.es) |
28961 | Energy uses of products and wastes (elective) | 4º | 2º | 5 | Nieves Latorre (nlatorre@unizar.es) |
28965 | Applied Soil Science | 4º | 2º | 5 | David Badía (badia@unizar.es) |
Master in Agricultural EngineeringIn-detail information about each course is available at the followin link (by clicking on the name of the course and then on Course Guide > Web version) | |||||
FIRST YEAR | |||||
60561 | Rural infrastructure | 1º | 1º | 6 | F. Javier García (fjgarcia@unizar.es) |
60562 | Agricultural Marketing | 1º | 1º | 4,5 | Carlos Orús (corus@unizar.es) |
60565 | Water resources and hydraulic facilities | 1º | 1º | 6 | Ricardo Aliod (raliod@unizar.es) |
60569 | Systems and processes of food industries | 1º | 1º | 6 | Nieves Latorre (nlatorre@unizar.es) |
60571 | Agri-food business management | 2º | 1º | 6 | María Lourdes Gastearena ( mgastearena@unizar.es) |
Each course will follow this procedure:
1. During the process of elaboration-revision of the Teaching Guides, the professors will communicate if the subject will be EF.
2. The offer of the EF subjects for each academic year will be reported on the website.
3. In September, Director will request the departments with teaching responsibility in the EPS to review the EF offer published on the web and to communicate about the possible changes that occur during the course.
4. Students who wish to attend to the EF program will notify the professors of the corresponding subjects at the beginning of the semester.
A subject is EF by decision of its teaching staff, who are not require a minimum level of language. It is important to remark that, if there were any professor changes or any other circumstance occurred, the subject could cease to be EF. For this reason, students who want to attend to the EF program should talk to the professor/s of the subject/s at the beginning of the semester. IN students are reminded to have two months since joining the EPS, to modify their learning agreements.