Private studies

University Expert in Integrated Management of Agricultural Pest
To achieve a sustainable use of pesticides in the member states of the European Union, directive 2009/128 of October 21, 2009 must be complied with. This directive has been transposed into Spanish legislation through the corresponding Royal Decrees. In one of them (RD 1702/2011) the aspects related to the Technical Inspection of Phytosanitary Application Equipment are regulated, and in another one (RD 1311/2012) the rest of aspects included in the mentioned Directive, among them, the promotion of Integrated Pest Management.
The training is divided into:
• Module 1. Training of technical directors of the ITEAF (3 theor. ECTS + 3 pract. ECTS)
• Module 2. Responsible technicians of associations for treatments integrated in agriculture (3 theor. ECTS + 12 pract. ECTS)
For further information, see here (in Spanish): /gestionplagas
Private Master Degree in Sustainable Water Management
The main goal is to complement the training to face the multiple challenges that arise for the achievement of sustainable water management.
Fourteen Universities and research organizations participate in the design, organization and implementation of the Master, as well as a large number of professors from the university, research and practice in water management and planning fields.
The master is organized in 3 phases:
•8 Theoretical modules (virtual modality) (32 ECTS)
•4 Case studies (face-to-face modality) (16 ECTS)
•Master dissertation (12 ECTS)
MODULE 1: New institutional and legal approaches. Governance, public participation and conflict management.
MODULE 2: The hydrological cycle: Surface hydrology, aquifer systems and groundwater.
MODULE 3: Productive values and new approaches to economic management.
MODULE 4: Water in agriculture in the new European framework.
MODULE 5: Continental aquatic ecosystems and transitional waters: Habitats, biodiversity and hydrogeomorphological functions.
MODULE 6: Water in the urban environment.
MODULE 7: Political ecology.
MODULE 8: Integrated approaches to water management and planning.
For further information, see here: /en/gestion-sostenible-agua