Degree in Environmental Sciences

(240 ECTS credits – 4 years)
The Degree in Environmental Sciences addresses society’s current need to develop methods and tools to study and protect our environment.
The Technological College makes use of its surroundings as an excellent natural laboratory to train graduates in Environmental Sciences. The connection between an urban area and the various surrounding sites of scientific interest in the province of Huesca gets the students closer to the kind of case study that they are going to deal with and facilitates acquisition of practical skills.
The vicinity of these natural areas allows the student to observe very different scenarios, from the more arid regions of the middle Ebro Valley, to the high precipitation rates and extreme temperature regime of the Pyrenees. Also, they can look at areas with a wide range of environmental problems created by industry and industrial-scale agriculture, ranching and urban activity.
The main objective of the Degree in Environmental Sciences is training versatile professionals with a deep knowledge of natural resources which may be affected by human activity. This enables them to face a broad range of duties, such as management of environmental quality within a company or carrying out environmental studies on aspects related to healthy ecosystems in the agricultural, urban and industrial areas.
The Degree in Environmental Sciences corresponds to level 2 of the Spanish Qualifications Framework for Higher Education (MECES) and to level 6 of the European Qualifications Framework (EQF). It consists of 240 European credits (ECTS) distributed into 4 academic years (60 credits per academic year), with two semesters per academic year (8 semesters).
The syllabus is made up of four modules:
- Interpretation of the environment as a system
- Environmental assessment
- Environmental management and planning
- Instrumental knowledge
Subjects fall into these categories:
- Basic subjects (66 ECTS)
- Compulsory subjects (132 ECTS)
- Electives (28 ECTS)
- Undergratuate dissertation (12 ECTS)
- Modern language-B1 (2 ECTS)
There are sixteen electives and the students have to select five of them during the last three semesters.
The Undergraduate dissertation has to be done during the last semester of the degree studies