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The Technological College (Agri-food and Environment) is located 3 km from the city centre of Huesca
(42° 7' 12.78" N, 0° 26' 49.04" W)
Trains and buses arrive to the Intermodal Station of Huesca. From there to the Technological College there is a hourly buses service.
At an altitude of 460 metres, Huesca is just 70 km from the city of Zaragoza and offers the enjoyment of privileged natural surroundings: the mountain ranges of Gratal and Guara, the Pyrenees, in sharp contrast with the arid plains of Monegros. It is the capital city and geographic centre of the Upper Aragon region, cradle of the old Kingdom of Aragon, with an excellent strategic position at an important hub of communications between the regions of Navarre (Pamplona) and Catalonia (Lleida, Barcelona), and between France and Zaragoza.
Huesca has approximately 50,000 inhabitants, and its economy focuses on the sectors of public administration, agriculture and services. It is a peaceful, welcoming city with a high quality of life and an impressive offer of leisure and culture events. Since 1354, when King Pedro IV founded the so-called Sertorian University in Huesca, the city has strived to be a seat of learning. Today, 4,000 students distributed in the fields of humanities, medicine and health-related areas, economics, sciences and engineering, share this very special environment.